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Thursday, 19 December 2013

AArrrrrghhhh computers!

 The annoying uselessness of computers.
Many people have this annoying belief that computers are the most interesting, as well as useful thing on earth. Unfortunately I was once one of them. But now, I know better. Computers are actually one of the most useless things on planet earth. (The most useful thing would happen to be a pen. The next useful thing being paper.) The computer also happens to be the rudest machine on earth. It actually plays tricks on you, and never laughs. Now, how sick is that?
I actually wonder how computers became so popular amongst humans, but then I realize that the majority of humans are quite dense. They are willing to forgive the computer for its crimes against humanity by simply assuming that it is a machine, there must be something wrong with us because the computer is a perfect system and we, at all events are flawed. Such humans seem to forget the fact that the computer was created by humans which are flawed. In my own opinion (and for common sense sake.) it is quite impossible for a flawed system to produce a perfect system. Just how the hell is that supposed to happen? You don’t understand me. Don’t worry, a few examples are in order.
·         Your internet connection fluctuates with no apparent reason. Why is this happening?
You brush it off. I’m probably mistyping the addresses just like the browser said I was.
·         You type correctly. Hiring the whole of your English class buddies to proof read. Same problem.
You brush this off as well. May be there is something wrong with the modem or router.
·         You have the erring (possibly) modem/router serviced three times in a row with the same problem conveniently repeating itself. You wind up in one corner. Fiercely chastising you. What have you done wrong?
Then your computer decides fun’s over and tells you: sorry, you have exhausted your data plan and you are also out of airtime. You are now officially cut off from the world. Good luck.
·         You gape.
Alert, low battery. Your laptop smirks. In case of a desktop, the ups start’s beeping.
·         You grit your teeth.
The cruel thing drifts of to sleep.
And then you decide to forgive the poor thing. You didn’t charge it. And you used a short data plan. True. But I think the question you need to ask yourself is, is this really a poor thing?
See you next time.

Friday, 17 May 2013


Seven characters of genius.

  • optimism:they don't doubt or quit.they always see things half finished. not half started.
  • courage:yeah. they are courageous. it takes courage to be a trail blazer.
  • oddity:they often have something that distinguishes them from other people.take Stephen hawking for example. or Leonardo da vinci. or Einstein.they are all weirdos
  • problem solving capacity:yeah,that's right.they think in the right direction.
  • Naturalism:they are natural. they find it hard to fit into artificial systems. such as schools. take Edison for instance(I am compelled to state here that authorities differ as to whether he was really a genius or a lowly thieving fraudster.)
  • Drive:they have intense motivation. by god. they are just wonderful.take .  . .um. . me. for example.I have drive. as you will see in years to come. when I construct my iron man suit(of which i already have the blueprint.) And wave it in front of marvel. saying, guys, mark 1 is no more pure fantasy.
  • versatility:yeah. take Benjamin Franklin(Benjamin Franklin?! I'm so out of ideas.)i think he invented the stove as well as found electricity in lightening.
  • curiosity: take . . .um . . .yourself.(yeah.) it is your curiosity that made you to visit the blog. instead of chatting. right now so you are a genius!( one way or the other.)congratulations!

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

my new tutorial about webdesign.

check out my new tutorial here.. it is about how to design a social networking site. good luck.

Monday, 6 May 2013

amazing human facts. by me.

I just found out about them today. and i thought of sharing them with you.
  • There are about 60000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
  • an average human is made of 7 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 atoms.
  • the biggest molecule in nature.chromosome , is in the human body- it contains 10 billion atoms.
  • You use about 200 muscles to take a single step.
  • The acid in the stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades.
  • 80% of the brain is water.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

quck drop over.

hi everyone. top facts for the moment are:
  • it would cost about 7 million dollars to be iron man. or it could cost nothing. since we have none of his tech.
  • hydrogen peroxide, after various studies by bored scientists, has been proven to be ineffective against bacteria.
  • the tongue is a muscle. and boobs are, essentially, fat.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

let's bust the math myth

For the record, the topic of this post is a tongue twister. designed to keep  you busy.
her we are going to treat mathematics and tell you the stuff behind it. let's begin the introduction.

what is math?

 math is basically a science of numbers, shapes and logic. but since you already probably know, I'll move on.

why is math so hard?

well, there are many reasons. like;

the creative part of the brain is very prominent;

actually,this is a very big factor. several studies show that people with artistic properties tend to suck at math. the reason being that they tend to have lesser concentration and their mind tends to; wander. also, math is pure logic, an artistic mind tends to see things the fundamental, basic way. way they are. and a logical mind tends to see the big picture. a personal survey i conducted, revealed that math students tend to draw with broken lines. and they draw individual features in human faces.whereas, artistic students start drawing with outlines. you can guess what a logical student is drawing from the start. which is the opposite of artistic students.

weak foundations;

if you ever get a C in math, you're not worthy to be promoted. because, you have to perfect the beginner levels before trying your hands on harder math. for instance, BEDMAS.. it means Brackets,Exponential,Division,Multiplication,Addition, and Subtraction. and that is the standard order of operations for all math expressions. and its taught in middle school. but not used until high school. if you don't memorize this, you WILL FAIL every algebraic process given to you to solve. same thing applies to multiplication tables and formulas.

lack of concentration;

if your mind tends to wander, or you're poor at concentrating, you should watch it because if you make a mistake, you won't know(unless you crosscheck)at all. every question is very tricky. treat it as such.

how to master math

math drills;

these basically improve the logical part of your brain. math drills done for about thirty minutes a day, every day for a month will drastically improve your math skills.

ditch the calculator;

this will force your brain to be more tuned to math processes. and it also improves your intelligence and concentration. traits that are very useful in math.

time yourself;

this puts your brain under pressure. which in turn improve your math abilities.


go back to the grassroots. to the beginning and work forward.

learn how to concentrate;

if you don't know how, copy this subheading an post it in Google search box. concentration is an invaluable tool in the mastering of math,

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

my first story.

this is a story about my self.it's like an about me page.
actually, I'm just a teenager. and I'm proud of my self. at fourteen years, I'm proud of my achievements. so far, I earn money, i own a website, i'm a freelancer,and I'm a genius when it comes to designing things. why, i design things from websites, to blogs, to clothing, to cards, to machines, to stories, to articles . . . the list is almost endless.
My success story started since i was a little kid; about 6 years. when ii designed my first movie idea.it had cuttings from super man and batman.about a "wolf-man" who could fly and use super gadgets.i didn't know "wolf-man" was just another name for a werewolf.
 at 7 i found out and dumped the idea. and started a new story
 at eight, i started piano lessons, i also stared another new story(which should be out as an eBook by July.)
 many things have happened since then.( i can't give details on this post because, we just had a power failure, and my details (about 150 words )was wiped out because i didn't save it. and i
'm too annoyed to retype it. seriously, I'm starting to hate my country.)

Monday, 25 February 2013


well, it seems batman isn't all he seems. all about him isn't self developed. he possesses a photographic memory, and resistance to mind control, which are fucking super powers.

sperm ideas.

some people think the spermatozoa is a seed and the only contribution of a female is to house the "seed" till it matures into a .. . .....uh.. baby

some long tongue !

the giraffe has a 21 inch long  tongue which it uses to clean it's tongue.

why i'm gone again.

where i am again after a long time. the thing is , i'm currently working on a website. you can find it here.
   when you're through, come back and comment on it, or comment on the forum or on the blog. there.